Vapor Trails
Vapor Trails is a growing collection of Eric’s various thoughts and ramblings related to the personal vaporizer.
DIY Beginner’s Guide – An introduction to mixing your own e-liquid
SmartCarts – An Improved Cartridge
Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe? – safe, yes. Safer than smoking tobacco?, absolutely!
A few myths (and marketing strategies) dispelled – Don’t believe everything you hear…
Why mods? – Personal expression and higher power lead to DIY
Ecigs at the mall – There are better places to buy. Beware of high powered marketing and overpriced ecigs
The subjectivity of vaping – Everyone has an opinion. Yours is right! (for you, at least)
DIY E-juice – Value and flavor – Saving money is only one reason to try DIY E-liquid, and maybe not the best one.
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