Wisconsin bill excludes electronic cigarettes from indoor smoking bans

A new bill has been introduced by Senator Glenn Grothman in Wisconsin that would specifically exclude electronic cigarettes from indoor smoking bans.  Our kudos go out to Senator Grothman for being a voice of reason among legislators.  There is no evidence that secondhand vapor is even remotely harmful and it certainly does not present any of the health risks for which cigarette smoke has been condemned.  Most politicians are satisfied with the perception that anything that looks like smoke must be harmful.  Senator Grothman is obviously willing to give a little more thought to the subject and he has our respect for that.

If you are a resident of Wisconsin, please take a moment to read the call to action on CASAA and make your opinion known.  The rest of us can only hope that the news that logic can be applied to lawmaking spreads to other states.


  1. John says:

    This is great news. Kudos to the lawmaker.

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