Health Canada Seeing the Light?

A recent article in The Globe and Mail discusses how the Canadian Lung Association appears to be reversing their opinion on electronic cigarettes.   This is good news for Canadians who currently cannot buy ecigs containing nicotine.  According to the article, “The Lung Association used to warn that e-cigarette users were inhaling toxic chemicals. But new evidence convinced the organization to change its position and it says they may be a valuable smoking cessation aid.”  It’s great to see an organization like the Canadian Lung Association thinking for themselves rather than regurgitating the FDA rhetoric.


The Globe and Mail does a great job of reporting on the reduced harm aspect of electronic cigarettes that is so encouraging.  We’ve often said that it’s a shame that the anti smoking groups seem to be unable to see the value in ecigs of preventing needless deaths due to smoking.  David Sweanor, a law professor who focuses on tobacco rlated issues sums it up nicely at the end of the article; “The bottom line is that for anyone who truly cares about reducing … death and disease, they have to be pragmatic rather than dogmatic.”  Well said.

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