Posts belonging to Category Political

FDA Changing Stance?

For too long now, the stance of the FDA and public health groups has largely been negative towards electronic cigarettes.  Anyone who has spent a minimum of time looking into ecigs has found the same old flawed 2009 study regurgitated over and over again.  Some recent statements by Mitch Zeller, the head of the FDA’s […]

CNBC: E-Cigarettes: Escaping the Smoke

There’s a good article on CNBC today entitled E-Cigarettes: Escaping the Smoke. Much of it is devoted to an interview with V2 Cigs CEO Andries Verleur, and he is given the opportunity to say that while ecigs are not perfect, they really are a great alternative to smoking. It’s a generally positive article and that’s […]

Wisconsin bill excludes electronic cigarettes from indoor smoking bans

A new bill has been introduced by Senator Glenn Grothman in Wisconsin that would specifically exclude electronic cigarettes from indoor smoking bans.  Our kudos go out to Senator Grothman for being a voice of reason among legislators.  There is no evidence that secondhand vapor is even remotely harmful and it certainly does not present any of […]

Try smokeless nicotine cigarettes, says government

Check out this fantastic article in The Guardian. At least one entity within the British government is thinking logically and urging smokers to switch to smokeless cigarettes, including electronic cigarettes! Spread this article around to anyone who will listen!