Single or Dual Coil?

Should you be using single or dual coil cartomizers?  There is no real answer.  As with many things in the vaping world, it all comes down to personal preference.

When shopping for cartomizers you will often see vendors selling both single and dual coil cartomizers.  Smoke Tech’s line of dual coil tanks (DCTs), for example, is sold only with dual coils included, but single coil replacements are readily available.

Dual coils are designed with two individual higher resistance coils that when fired together create lower resistance.  They were a hot item (pun intended) when they first came out because they were the only low resistance cartos around. A dual coil was the only way to enjoy sub 2.0ohm resistance in a cartomizer at the time.  Lower resistance is popular because it works so well on eGos and fixed 3.7v mods. Single coils are now available everywhere in the 1.7ohm range that work well on anything, though, and variable voltage has made higher resistance cartos more usable.

For most users, there will be a single coil that works just fine.  The only advantage to using dual coils is that they are available in resistance as low as 1.25ohms (like these from Clouds of Vapor), quite a bit lower than the 1.7ohms minimum of the single coil.  That low of a resistance will trigger protective circuits on just about everything except a purely mechanical mod or something with a switch rated at higher than 2 amps, however.

Personally, I have found that dual coils give off a burnt taste more often than single coils, so they are largely absent from my vaping lineup.  The choice is up to you, however, and it’s certainly not expensive to try both.



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