‘Cool’ factor separates e-cigarettes from nicotine inhalers

“E-cigarettes have the potential to be important nicotine delivery products because of their high acceptance and perceived benefit,” states Michael Steinberg of the Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.   He led a small pilot study which found that electronic cigarettes were nearly twice as effective as nicotine inhalers at helping people quit smoking.  The study appears in the Journal of General Internal Medicine.

While he does note that there is still some question as to the content and efficacy of ecigs, the fact that they are becoming widely accpeted and “cool” means the smokers are much more likely to give them a try.  Not much news here for those of us who finally found a stop-smoking aid that works, but it is still good to hear medical professionals state the obvious.

The main thing is that every single article that discusses the potential benefits of electronic cigarettes rather than misinformation regarding antifreeze and “marketed to kids” helps to balance the public discourse a little.  See the original on Parent Herald.







Clones, Love ‘Em or Hate ‘Em?

It seems like the electronic cigarette world is especially attractive to knock-off manufacturers.  It’s often easier to find a “clone” than it is to find the actual item. From the earliest ecigs and continues to today’s hottest atomizers, nearly identical copies of the best devices are everywhere.  The good news is that a lot of these clones are comparable and sometimes even a little better than the original.  The bad news is that many clones are not identified as such and it’s often hard to tell the difference when buying.  And of course it just plain stinks for the original creator of a device.

eGos are a prime example.  The number of eGo electronic cigarettes on the market is staggering, but hardly any of them are from the original eGo designer.  Even the Joye eGo that is considered by many to be the “original” eGo is, in fact, a clone of the Janty eGo.  This serves as a good device to consider because the Joye eGo and many of the clones introduced since are actually pretty good devices.  Most of them do what they are supposed to do and usually at a lower price.  The problem is that just about every fat battery device with 510 inner threads and outer cone threads is now referred to as an eGo, often with no reference as to the manufacturer.  It becomes nearly impossible to compare quality from one vendor to the next, and buying an eGo can be a hit-or-miss affair.

Another good example can be found in the popular Kayfun rebuildable atomizers.  Originally a Russian design manufactured in Germany (at least I think I have that right), the Kayfun design has now been copied by a number of Chinese manufacturers.   These “clones” are quite a bit less expensive than the original and in my experience, many have the same level of performance.  The difference can often be found in the details, such as rough threading and poor gasket life.  Again, the problem is that even though they are usually referred to as clones, there is often no way to tell one from another.  Some manufacturers like HCigar and EHPro are easy to spot, but many are not.

At this point, I’d love to advocate buying only the original device made by the original manufacturer, but I realize that just might not be realistic.  $100 is a lot of money for an atomizer when a good clone is available for less than $50.  I’d also love it if manufacturers would stop referring to their clones by the name of the original device, but that too is not going to happen and actually  might make things even more confusing.  I guess I’ll have to be satisfied with telling you to make sure you do your research and read reviews of both vendors and manufacturers where possible to make sure you get the best clone for your money.  Clones can be very good or junk, but it’s hard to tell the difference.

Wire Gauge and Resistance for Rebuildable Atomizers

Higher Gauge = Thinner Wire = Higher Resistance

Anyone interested in rebuildable atomizers or even rebuilding clearomizers will eventually have to make a choice on what wire to use.  Wire thickness is referred to by gauge, but there is often little information regarding what gauge to use.  A few tips should help you make the choice.

First, let’s be clear that there is no “right” choice.  Different wire thicknesses work better for different applications, but a lot is up to personal preference.  There are really only two things you need to remember:

Higher gauge wire is thinner.  

Lower gauge (thicker) wire has lower resistance.

In practice, this means that more wraps of lower gauge wire are needed to make the same resistance coil as less wraps of a higher gauge wire.  For example, 5 wraps of 32 gauge will make a coil with around 2.0 ohms of resistance, while it will take around 8 wraps to do the same thing with 28 gauge.

For standard ohm applications in the 2.0 ohm range, nearly any gauge between 28 and 34 will do the trick.  30 or 32 will make a nice warm coil that fits in an EVOD head, for instance.  Lower gauge becomes very important for those looking to build extremely low resistance or even “sub-ohm” coils.  By the way, I highly recommend getting comfortable with building standard resistance before tackling low resistance – too many bad things can happen to batteries when the resistance is too low.


A Great Needle for VG

I’ve always been a little irritated by the slow pace of pouring VG from a graduated cylinder to my bottles when mixing e-liquids. I’ve finally found a solution in a nice big syringe needle from DIY Flavor Shack. They’re one of the first vendors I’ve seen that carries a 15 gauge needle that is perfect for VG.

Metal Particles?

So, the latest media hype concerning electronic cigarettes is all about metal particles. I’m sure you’ve seen it or been told about it, probably by a friendly smoker concerned about your health.

As with most sensational stories these days, the context is glaringly absent from most of these stories. There are two important points that should be addressed. First is that the study referenced by the articles was done on some of the cheapest disposable cartomizers on the market, so is hardly representative of what most vapers use on a daily basis.

The second point is what is most important, however, and it deals with the amounts of particles found in the electronic cigarette vapor. The amounts the study found were tiny and only a fraction of the amount allowed by USP guidelines. Those guidelines detail the amounts of metals that are deemed safe in medicines. To spin these trace concentrations as harmful is disingenuous. Dr. Siegel illustrates the fallacy quite well in this article.

Suffice it to say that the concentrations of metals found in electronic cigarette vapor are not something to get uptight about. As usual, there is a pretty big gap between the hype and the facts.

RY4 Aces from DIY Flavor Shack

RY4 means a lot of different things from different manufacturers and I have enjoyed a lot of them! I recently picked up a bottle of RY4 Aces flavoring from DIY Flavor Shack and it ranks pretty high on my list. It has the good caramel over tobacco flavor that we’ve come to expect, but adds a distinctly smokey note. Good stuff. The great thing with a good mixed flavoring like this is that you don’t have to experiment with adding others. Just add it to your it with unflavored mix and vape. I’ve been using it at 6%.

Viper Vape Store Grand Opening

As if I didn’t have enough reason to want to visit California, Viper Vape has just announced the opening of their new store in Carlsbad.  It looks really nice and I’m sure it’s stocked with their great lineup of vaping gear.  Stop by and mention their grand opening email for 15% off.  If you’re like me and can’t get to Cali, the code weareopen will get you 10% off of most items in the Viper Vape online store.

Carto Tank Tips

Along with some of the other information that I posted yesterday regarding avoiding burnt flavor, I thought a revisit of some carto tank specific tips may be in order.  Carto Tank Tips has some helpful info for this time tested way of keeping a days worth of juice close at hand.

  • Priming the cartomizer
  • Testing before tanking
  • Inserting carefully
  • Proper filling level
  • Push-pull drawing
  • Experimenting with hole size

Burnt Flavor

One of the most common complaints, especially from those new to the vaping world, is burnt flavor.  Irritating, harsh inhales are most often caused by dry wicks that have not absorbed enough eliquid.  Dealing With Burnt Flavor provides  some tips to help you overcome this problem.

Safety First!

Building coils seems to be all the rage lately as vapers try to get the best experience possible.  Rebuildable atomizers allow the user to build from scratch what is otherwise hidden from view in the typical electronic cigarette.  The result is that the user can tailor the wick and coil assembly to his or her preferences and often create something that performs far better than a retail version.

The concern is that building your own atomizer is not without a little bit of risk, particularly when users try to achieve a very low resistance coil.  It is not very difficult to create a short circuit that can be damaging to an electronic cigarette battery and even dangerous should that battery overheat and possibly explode.

The most important thing to remember is that you must test each coil assembly you build.  And I’m not talking about putting it on the battery to see if it works.  The only safe way to test is with a multimeter to verify that there is proper resistance.  It doesn’t have to be a fancy multimeter, models for less than $20 at Walmart and Harbor Freight will do the job just fine.

So please, if you are going to try building your own coils, take the time to properly test them.  In addition to being safer, you will also be more knowledgeable about what you are actually creating and using.